Unswaggy Adventure in a Pedos Basement 3

Holy swagger mcjagger balls Batman Call of Duty Ghosts just came out and is free on a craigslist ad.  The ad reads:  Get Call of Duty Ghosts free today and also receive free popsicles and massages.  I said holy swagger mcjagger on a sesame seed bun free massages my back is sure killing me.  So being a smart Call of Duty player I walked to the man's house.  When I got there the house almost looked abandon but I saw a man looking at me through the window he had no teeth and looked like he was 75.  I was like wow I hope this guy isn't another pedo.  I walked up to his front door and rang the door bell and then he answered saying: "You here for your Call of Duty and free massage and free popsicles?  I said yeah I sure am you old fuck fart.  He took me down to his Basement were he made me play Cliche3.exe.  It had more hyper realistic blood and gore.  I was scared and didn't want to play anymore.  I tried to escape but the old man shoved his cane up my ass and put a popsicle in my mouth that he got from his ass.  It tasted like a 30 year old fart that was shat on by a dog.  My ass was sore but I managed to finish the game.  When I did the Shamwow guy came out of the screen and bitchslaped me with the towel.  He said buy some Shamwow mother fucker. I said but I can go to Costco and get paper towels for dirt cheap you butt licker.  He then pulled out a knife and said I will show you how good Shamwow will get your blood out of this fucking carpet.  I ran out of the house while the Shamwow guy was still following me.  I darted into the woods thinking I lost him but then I noticed he was behind me.  He stabbed me once and then said: "Only noobs knife real COD player use sniper rifles at close range.  " Then I ran away while bleeding and then collapsed.  When I woke up I saw I was in the hospital.  I must have lost him otherwise he would have killed me.  Then I look out the window and see the Shamwow guy with a bloody towel in his hand and knife.